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Alexandria Young Environmental Ac...
We are students at T.C. Williams who have decided to turn these unprecedented times into an opportunity to have a global impact. We often take our access to clean water for granted. Since learning about children just like us at schools like the Excel Junior School in Uganda, whose only option is to drink dirty water, we have realized that access to clean water is one of the greatest blessings. According to UNICEF, every single day 6,000 children die of water related diseases. We want to be a part of the change that will save countless lives. We will be walking 5 kilometers while carrying 6 liters of water to represent the average distance that women and girls across the globe must walk everyday to bring their families water. Any donation that you make based on our completion of this walk will have a lifelong impact on the children at the Excel Junior School (click on their page below to learn more about this school.)

Andrew Lewis Middle School 2nd pe...
Our students have been studying the conservation and concerns of water in our region. The visited our local water plant and spoke with our city planner. After considering the concerns regarding water locally, nationally, and internationally, they decided to educate their peers. The students also determined that they wanted to do more to support a school in another region. Thus, they picked Durato Dela as their project. On January 22 the students walked 3 miles with their water jugs to raise awareness for their fundraiser.

Damascus Middle School
Water, sanitation, and hygiene are of critical importance to a school community’s health and way of life. Due to lack of access to private sanitation facilities at schools, many children and teens (especially girls) cannot attend school. Girls and boys spend much of their days carrying water—sometimes walking miles from their homes to the source and back.

Daniel Morgan Middle School
All of our 7th and 8th graders have read A Long Walk to Water and wanted to do a service project based on the ideas learned. We want to foster our student's desire to take action and have an impact on the world around them through service learning.

Forest Park High School Key Club
Our group would like to help work toward the goal of providing this school with a water well. Many of us take the faucets and water fountains at our school for granted. We hope to raise awareness about the lack of water resources around the world. We will try our best to raise enough money to be able to help this school come close or reach it's goal.

Glade Spring Middle School
Glade Spring Middle School is a service learning based middle school. We chose to join the H20 for Life club to ensure that we took part in making a donation for safer drinking water for other students in Africa.

We are a parkour shoe company as well as two

Kitah Quetzal - 8-9th Grade Class...
Since September the students have been learning about the linkages between Judaism and the environment including about water, sanitation and hygiene and how students around the world live without this basic necessity.

Maury Elementary School
Maury Elementary is nestled in the heart of Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington DC. Our goal is to raise $3,200 for EZ Kabane High School: EZ Kabane is a high school of more than 500 fun, active, and ambitious students operating out of an abandoned school building in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. On top of educating the students, the understaffed administration and teachers must deal with a crumbling infrastructure and the fact that the entire school has only one toilet with dysfunctional flushing capabilities and just one source of drinking water—an outdoor spicket. If we can help the community repair all flushing toilets, construct additional water taps, build a water tank, replace toilet seats and provide doors to bathroom stalls, the principal and teachers of EZ Kabane can concentrate on what they do best…educating children!

Moncure Elementary School
Our chorus, World Drum Group, and Ukulele Clubs recognize the power of music to enrich our lives and our togetherness. Just as music serves our spirit and enriches our culture, we want to "pay it forward" by sharing our gratitude, through service. We know we are fortunate to attend school in a community that provides for our basic quality of life needs such as clean water, heating and cooling, and lighting. We do not take these things for granted and would like to help others who may not be provided with these basic needs. Clean, on-site water is a true "game-changer" when it comes to quality of life at school, and in any community. The rich culture of Africa has given marvelous gifts of art and music to the world