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Carmel Middle School
A great school with amazing students!
Guion Creek Middle School
We are very excited to make a global and local impact!
Jackson Creek Middle School
We are 8th graders attending Jackson Creek Middle School and it is with great pleasure that we support the Chihikwi Primary School in Tanzania!
Lapel High School
Our seniors are dedicated to serving not only their community but communities around the world.
Madison Consolidated High School
We have the opportunity to provide a transformational service-learning opportunity for our students through H2O for Life. Our students will study issues surrounding the global water crisis, learn about their partner school and country, and will plan and implement activities that raise funds to help bring water and sanitation to our partner school. We want our students to know that by working together, we can make a difference in the world!
Nur Naturals
We are a small family owned business and we are interested in supporting our brothers and sisters ! Clean water is a necessity and basic right .. we pledge a portion of sales to this project and more ! We also encourage our customers to donate directly!
Roosevelt Middle School
This is the fourth year for RMS to partner with H2O for Life. We continue to participate to help other children and to bring more awareness to our community regarding the lack of clean water and sanitation in many areas of the world. We also want to support educational opportunities for all students and without clean water and proper santitation facilities many students are limited in their ability to attend school. Raising funds for our school allows us to help others and create change in others lives which in turn enriches our lives.
St. Malachy Parish School
St. Malachy School is dedicated to helping those in need both in our own community and in the world at large. This project allows students to both learn about literacy and science while helping them develop an understanding of the needs of less fortunate people around the globe.
The Stanley Clark School
Fifth graders at The Stanley Clark School are currently reading Linda Sue Park's novel A Long Walk to Water based on the true story of Salva Dut. Through our novel study and the educational resources provided by H2O for Life, we have learned a lot about the global water crisis and want to do our part to help improve access to clean, safe water in areas of the world where there are physical and economic barriers to water equity. We are hoping to raise at least $500 for Water for South Sudan to go toward well installation and maintenance projects.