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Andover eCademy
The Andover eCademy Community Service group seeks to find various ways to help our community (at school, in Andover, in Kansas, and worldwide). We are excited about the opportunity to walk to help raise money to help those in need of clean water.

Chase Middle School
We want to help others who are not as fortunate as people in the USA. Many people take the things we have for granted and we want our students to see what people in developing countries experience everyday. We want to provide a sustainable service that will improve the lives of others.

Emporia Middle School AVID Program
Our AVID Program includes grades 7-8 and we have about 75 students all together. While our overall objectives are aligned with AVID nationwide, our short-term goals are to help students develop in areas of academics, leadership, organization, and overall college readiness. We would like to get involved in Water for Life to help our students develop a sense of service and use this opportunity for project-based learning.

Free State High School AVID
The Free State Highschool AVID program is a college prep program devoted to preparing for college and serving our community. We want to contribute to the Welch, WV H2O project because everyone should have access to clean water in their home, no matter the circumstances.

Halstead Middle School
We want to make a difference in the world no matter how small. We have so much and it is important that our youth understand how precious simple things like clean water can be.

Louisburg High School Interact Cl...
Interact Club's purpose is to take action in the community and build international understanding. Interact Club brings together young people to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self.

Louisburg High School Interact Cl...
Interact Club's purpose is to take action in the community and build international understanding. Interact Club brings together young people to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self.

Louisburg High School Interact Cl...
Interact Club's purpose is to take action in the community and build international understanding. Interact Club brings together young people to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self.