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Bishop Abraham Elementary - Socia...
Bishop Abraham Elementary school is comprised of 249 students from Kindergarten to Grade 6. We were very excited to help out Taita School in Tanzania last year. Our school was very grateful to the other schools who helped us with the project. The students in our school, through the Social Action committee and The Rotary club are learning to become Global Citizens.It is very important to help our neighbors both near and far.

Camila Garita Helping
Hi, I'm Camila, a 15-year-old with a deep passion for making a positive impact in the world. Born with a love for the ocean, I find inspiration in the vast beauty of our planet's waters. As a dedicated advocate for environmental conservation, I am particularly drawn to the well-being of our oceans. The delicate balance of marine ecosystems fuels my determination to contribute to their preservation.

Commonwealth-Parkville School -NH...
We are a small college prep school that through its NHS Comets Chapter's community service, we intend to impact our school community and create global awareness.

Frankfurt International School
We want to make a change locally, nationally and globally. There are 8-12 service groups at the school, and we have all decided that Clean water is an issue we can all support!

GWA International Movement
In collaboration with my regional partners, mostly water organizations, universities, schools, and journalists in Singapore, Shanghai, Korea, Hong Kong, Australia, U.K. and the United States, my GWA (Global Water-Crisis Awareness) International Movement all started off when I suddenly realized that the global water crisis is already at our door step. It is not just about the crisis in Africa, Latin America, or Asia. Apart from the 36 states in the US suffering from water shortages due to severe droughts, rising temperature and increasing population, the devastating news on January 29th, 2014 takes this crisis to its next height - 17 communities in California may run out of water in the next 60-120 days! This is so real - a global water crisis, a silent killer is looming slowly but surely into your lives wherever you are. If you still think that you have nothing got to do with the imminent crisis, it is time for you to think again! More importantly, if we have the privilege to know, then we should have the duty to act!

Horizon Sendai Primary School: Gr...
The grade four class at Horizon Sendai Primary School had been learning about equal access to water in their unit of inquiry. Upon learning that several countries that did not have access to water the students replied unanimously that they wanted to help. Together they decided that they would help a school that needed access to water. In 2020-21 they researched several different options and decided to raise money for Ebukhayi Primary School in Kenya. This year, they chose to raise funds for a project in South Sudan.

Istek Uluğbey High School
İstek Uluğbey Private High School aims to engage, educate, and inspire our students to become global citizens. With this project Uluğbey HS aims to increase awareness regarding the urgency and gravity of the global water crisis amongst our students and all stakeholders including staff & parents. We also wish to make a practical, real life difference to those in need by raising funds via a sponsored Walk4Water to raise funds for a water project in our global partnered school.

James Hamblin School
We are a K-8 School in a small town in southern Saskatchewan. Our Grade 5/6 class read Salva Dut's story in "A Long Walk to Water", and after realizing our many privileges, were moved to do our part as global citizens. We want to help less fortunate children in a way that is meaningful and impactful.

Kelowna Rotaract Club
Kelowna Rotaract is a group of young professionals and community members who come together for personal growth, friendship, and to drive local and international change for good

Kelowna Rotaract Club
Rotaract is a branch of Rotary for ages 18 - 30, we are a non-profit organization that believes in supporting our local and international communities! The Rotaract club of Kelowna was created to broaden our understanding of the local and international community and offer our service. We do this by volunteering at local events and hosting our own fundraisers to support local and international projects.