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Abbotts Creek Elementary - Third ...
The third graders at Abbotts Creek Elementary are learning about water as part of our ELA curriculum. Students are learning about water issues such as; pollution, access, and demands on water. Students will participate in this project as a way to spread awareness.

Alderman Road Elementary
We are so fortunate to have clean water that is easily accessible to us. We take this necessity for granted too often. It is my hope that, through partnering with Lutangilo School in Tanzania, that we all will learn empathy for others and to be thankful for a resource we all need to live.

Enloe High School Interact Club C...
Interact is a student-led service club at Enloe High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. Interact started as a small club 7 years ago, but now has over 30 members. Every year, they create service projects to help donate to their community. The Raleigh-Midtown Rotary Club sponsors Interact. Rotarians often volunteer with Interact events and help teach Interacters community service skills, giving them the platform and support needed to make a difference in the community. The International Rotary Organization strives for global community service by working together to help one another. This year, Interact has decided to work with H2O for Life to expand its service to the global community. Club members voted on a community to support and are eager to raise money to help others.

Jenni, Eric, Eden and Jameson Gal...
Jenni was involved in H2O for Life as a middle school geograhy teacher and now our family wants to donate and fundraise for this awesome organization that addresses such an important global crisis.

Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy
As Scholars we wish for students at Jelu to have the supplies and fundamental needs met to continue to have a proper education and life. Its the hope they grow to be prosperous members of their community. Further, as environmentally conscientious students we strongly desire to contribute our support to the effort in addressing the water crisis in India.

Northeast Guilford Middle School
Our school is engaging in Service Learning and feel that this is a worthwhile project for our school to participate in.

Pilot Elementary
As parents, we would like for our children, our school, its students, and the community to know more about the water crisis around the world, so that they can appreciate more about how something just as simple as having clean water at home, and the lack thereof, can have such a devastating outcome in other parts of the world. We want to give them the opportunity to make a difference, to give back, and to appreciate the simplest things in life, such as having clean water to bathe, wash, drink, and cook our daily meals...If we start to open up our children's eyes and hearts to what is going on around them, their communities, and around the world, we know that, not only will they appreciate what they have, what is given to them, but also recognize that what they don't have (toys, cell phones, cars, etc) may not be as bad as they think, if they start to put things into perspectives.

Pinehurst United Methodist Church
Children of the church

Pittsboro United Methodist Church...
Every year we work to develop VBS programming that will help our children see how even the smallest among us can be Jesus' hands and feet. This year, our VBS theme is "Deep Sea Discovery" so we thought that working with a group that worked on issues concerning water would be a perfect fit. Last year, we raised over $1000 for local ministry projects--so we hope to outdo ourselves!

Project Wisdom
Project Wisdom started in 2013 as a handful of students and educators who desired to learn how to become better global citizens. Since then, we have grown exponentially. Today we are an education-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a student-majority Board of Directors and hundreds of members across North Carolina. * Our Mission is to develop global awareness and leadership in our local school systems through international community building and service-learning. * We Envision a future in which conscientious global citizens work collaboratively across cultures to address the world’s most pressing issues. When young people speak of making a difference in the world, we like to call it idealism. Yet idealism, by definition, relies on a consensus of reality. To be ideal, after all, is to think beyond reality. So what if we could change the perception of reality? What would happen to idealism? What if young people could really learn about the world around them? What if they could learn what it actually takes to make a small change in the global community? What if, at a young age, their reality was working with NGOs in West Africa to implement a malaria campaign in an under served community? Or working with local agencies to support recently arrived refugee families? If this was reality, then what would happen to idealism? What would we say, then, when one of these young people said to us, "I want to make a difference in the world"?

Stateside Elementary
We would like to help those in need. We find it important to pay it forward to make our world a better place for all.

The Military and Global Leadershi...
The Millitary and Global Leadership Academy is a small k-12 school located in Charlotte NC. We are studying the impact of water int he world today through our leadership courses. Additionally students will complete a science fair project on water conservation. We are looking forward to this service project