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From the shores of Lake Erie to the Atlantic coast, John Reid and Mark Dudek will be embarking on a 1,600 mile biking adventure from Cleveland, OH to Miami, FL beginning May 2nd. In doing so, we will be raising money for clean water projects at schools in Nicaragua and Ghana. Living in the US, most of us take clean water for granted–we never think twice about where we’ll get our next drink, let alone worry about if it will make us sick. However, the world is currently amidst an extreme water crisis. Twenty-nine percent of people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water and 1.2 million people die every year due to unsafe water sources. In Africa, women and children walk an average of 3.5 miles every day to collect 40 pounds of water to provide for their families and village. These disparities highlight the need for change. The good news is that we can make a difference! A $50 donation provides one person with access to clean water for life, but any amount can make a tremendous impact. If you are unable to donate, we understand and any positive vibes sent our way are still much appreciated! The projects we are sponsoring directly support safe water, sanitation, and hygiene education implementation at the involved schools. The addition of these facilities improves the students’ health and learning environment by reducing the incidence of water and sanitation related diseases. Additionally, students will be able to devote more time to their studies as they will no longer have to fetch water throughout the day. To learn more details about each project, click on the links below titled "Akome Senior High Technical School" and "San Luis, Achiote". This journey has been made possible through the generosity of Katie Spotz, who awarded Mark with a grant to pursue an adventure of his choosing. Thank you all for your unwavering support and love. Let’s Ride!! (We are currently working to remove the amount column from the donation section. Please submit your donation as anonymous if you do not wish for your name to be displayed.)

Boardman Glenwood Junior High School
Boardman Glenwood Junior High provides a safe, supportive learning environment for more than 600 7th and 8th grade students and staff. We enter each school year focused on helping our students grow academically and social /emotionally. Our science classes and teachers constantly strive to make a difference in the community and look forward to making a difference on a global scale by partnering with H2O for Life and integrating their resources in their classes.

Columbus North International School
We are reading the novel "A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park. We would like to assist in Salva's mission of getting clean water to those without it. We are interested in helping a village obtain clean drinking water. This is a seventh grade English Language Arts class.

Eagles Water for Life Project - C...
This is the fourth year we join efforts with the H2O for Life Organization to build the awareness of the water crisis and provide help to bring clean water, sanitation facilities and hygiene education to the schools in need. We had a successful year and met our fundraising goals last year to help the students at Ebukanga Secondary School in Kenya, Wangui Primary School in Kenya the year before, and before that, Tobrise Basic Primary School in Nigeria. At the same time, our students had learned a lot from the service learning activities about the water crisis and the many ways that they can help make a difference. We would like to continue to participate in this meaningful project, get more students in our school communities involved, and once again surpass our fundraising goal.

Hopewell Junior School
At Hopewell Junior School, we have clean water everyday. The same can't be said for the students and teachers of Manera Primary School. Without clean water, the students are dropping out of school and not getting a proper education. Everyone deserves a proper education, just like we get daily. We hope to give the students a brighter future with our donation, by providing clean bathrooms and sanitary water.

Immaculate Conception School
Junior High students are doing a Walk for Water to raise money to help those that are in need of clean water. The students read the book "A Long Walk to Water" and learned a lot about the importance of having clean drinking water. Our students will carry 1 gallon of water for 5K to raise money for this valuable cause.

Karrer Middle School
I will be 6th grader starting fall 2021 in Karrer Middle School and as I step into middle school I would like to engage myself to help kids around the world starting with something very basic but very important like water. Most of us are privileged to realize importance of clean water. My fasting month made me realize the importance of water. We often don't know what we have until we don't. - Zain Dewani :)

Katie Spotz
Katie runs, rows, swims, cycles, and skates for clean water. Donate $10 or more and gain access to RUNNING HOME - The Run4Water story, a 26-minute documentary about Katie's record-breaking journey running across the state of Ohio for 11 clean water projects in Uganda. 🎥 SKATE4Water 🛼 This February, Katie and her friend Hannah embarked on a 119-mile journey in-line skating across the Florida Keys to fund a clean water project in Haiti. RIDE4Water 🚲 In September of 2021, Katie embarked on a 360-mile journey cycling along the Atlantic shoreline from Lubec to Kittery to fund clean water projects in Uganda. RUN4Water 🏃♀️ In July of 2021, Katie also embarked on Run4Water, an attempt to run 11 ultramarathons in 11 days to fund 11 clean water projects in Uganda, setting a new world record for the most consecutive ultramarathons along the way. Join the mission in creating a world where everyone, everywhere has clean water to drink.💦

Katy's Christmas Project
I decided to ask for donations to support students in need instead of Christmas gifts this year. I am a teacher and like to see every student be successful. This starts with having your basic needs met and clean water is one of them.