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Black Excellence Student Union
We are a group of well educated and opened minded students who want to make a better impact on the world. We would be holding school activities to raise money for these fundraisers.

Booth-Fickett K-8 Magnet School
At Booth-Fickett, we make every effort to ensure that all students are able to learn in a safe environment. Our school community is compelled and inspired to help fellow students in need.

Canyon del Oro High School
We want to participate to raise awareness and funds for the importance of water.

Crismon Elementary School
We would like to partner with other schools to help make this project possible.

CTA Independence
Our school has a new Global University where 5th and 6th graders work in a STEM Lab on hands-on, collaborative projects. We want the students to become global citizens and to have a service learning project that emphasizes awareness for a real-life concern.

Guerrero Elementary - Miss Allie'...
We learned about water scarcity in Africa in our first grade class. We all voted on a country we wanted to help, and the students chose South Africa. We are so happy to participate and help out as much as we can! :)

Ishikawa Elementary School
The sixth grade students have joined H2O for Life which is an organization that digs wells and creates clean water sources for villages in Africa as well areas in the U.S., who do not have access to clean water for drinking, cooking, or hygiene. As a service project, we are raising money to fund a well. The six grade will also be completing a 5k walk carrying at least one gallon of water. The students are all reading "A Long Walk to Water" to help understand the water crisis, and what humans have to go through to obtain water. Our goal is to have every student donate at least $1.00. There is a display in the Multipurpose Room where we hope to get enough donations to fill the well with water droplets! We thank you in advance for your support!

Jefferson Elementary School
Jefferson Jaguars are joining in on Water For Life's mission to help communities in need develop safe and sustainable water sources. Our goal is to educate our students so they have concern to help and improve the welfare and happiness of others. This will be our 2nd year in participating in Water For Life's mission. We are teaming up with other Mesa Public Schools in order to generate even more social awareness.

Kino Jr. High
Kino Kolts will be raising money for H2O for life and South Sudan School 4. During summer school, Kolts will be competing in Penny Wars to raise money. While raising money the students will be completing STEM projects related to water conservation, water decontamination, and the physical and economic importance of water.

Kyrene de la Mariposa
Katie Spotz came and talked to the 4th grade classes. Her story is amazing and inspiring. The website talked about a school needed $200 more to finish their water project, so we've chosen that school as it should be an easy goal for us to reach.

Laguna Elementary School
Laguna Elementary is a Title 1 school who has been supported by numerous local organizations. We want to give back by conducting a penny drive on our campus. Our 6th graders will spear head the project thus giving them the opportunity to experience a true leadership role on our campus.

Marilyn Wilson Elementary
We at Wilson Elementary would like to help another primary school have clean water. We have 6 families from Africa and want to honor them as we raise money to help their country. We have several activities planned and have started lessons on water and it's importance to our world. We live in the Arizona desert but have ample water. We have so much and other parts of the world do not. We want to do what we can to join the fight for clean safe water.