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Ashland-Greenwood Middle School
The 7th grade students at Ashland-Greenwood Middle School are completing their service learning project and pledge to support the Khuluvi Primary School.

Ralston High School
Every day, one billion people make a three hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational and, worst of all, life threatening conditions. We can help change that statistic for our partner school. We want our students to know that by working together, we can make a difference in the world! We hope that all students in our school will benefit from our partnership with H2O for Life. Students will be challenged to think about their own habits concerning water usage, and will develop awareness of the enormity of the issues surrounding water in our world. We hope our school will be committed to make this project for our partner school a reality.

Rotary District 5630 Nebraska
Within Rotary District 5630 we are declaring April, 2016 as Clean Water Month and encourage each club to do a project to raise funds and awareness for the importance for clean water around the world. Rotary District 5630 has 34 clubs in the western half of Nebraska. Rotary provides service learning opportunities designed to engage, educate, and inspire youth to become global citizens. Saturday, April 30th at the District Conference our Rotary youth will lead our future goal towards clean water globally. Katie Spotz will be the key note speaker at the conference on Saturday.