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30 Days in June
Did you know that girls around the world do not get the education we take for granted because of a lack of both water and sanitation in their villages? Olivia Hawkins and Clare Sullivan are working with H2O for Life to make water and sanitation sustainable for the Erasmus Creche School in South Africa. Throughout the month of June, they're working towards raising funds to make this a reality.

Global Communications Academy
We have participated in H2O for Life projects since 2010. Since we are a k-12 school many of our students have learned about helping others and the importance of clean water through H2O for Life projects. This year we hope to continue this trend with raising funds towards a well for our partner school.

New Haven Academy - Running Water
Two years ago, New Haven Academy raised money for its partner school in Africa. This year, Cynthia Hager decided to bring this fundraiser back as her senior year Social Action Project (SAP), and with the help of her fellow high school peers, they will be hosting a Run-a-thon/Walk-a-thon at Wilbur Cross High School in New Haven, CT. It will take place on May 31, 2014. Their goal is to raise about $1000 for Jose de la Cruz Mena School in Nicaragua, and have about 150 runners altogether.

Northwest Catholic High School
At the end of last school year when we were determining who would be the designated recipients of dress down day collections, our class officers felt strongly that they would like to include H2O for Life.

Salisbury Central School
The Salisbury Central School learning community works together to empower all students to be inquisitive, independent, and responsible citizens of the global society. We guide and foster each child’s intellectual, emotional, social and physical development in a safe, challenging, supportive, and collaborative learning environment. We are committed to ensuring that all students leave us prepared for successful learning beyond our school.

Totoket Valley Elementary School
Our fifth graders are taking action on UN Global Goal #6! Our Clean Water Crew have been invested in learning about the water crisis and are now interested in becoming social activists to help address the issue. Please consider helping out our cause with a minor donation, which will help one small African community gain access to a clean water well!

Washington Middle School
Our Advisory Group would like to participate in this project for the following reasons: * so we can help students have what they need for sanitation. * to give others the things we have. * knowing that we are able to help others. * for the good feeling you get when you know you have made a contribution.

Washington Primary School
Washington Primary is located in Washington Depot, Connecticut. Though we are a small school we have BIG HEARTS and a BIG LOVE of parkour, ninja warrior, and H2O for Life! Over the last three years we have improved the water and sanitation systems of 2 schools in Africa and look forward to helping the students of EZ Kabane. We are inspired by the words of Melody Beattie who wrote, “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates vision for tomorrow.” After each of our successful fundraisers we are thankful that Know Obstacles and The Movement Creative come to our school on the day of our Water Runs and hold a parkour and obstacle course workshop. Our goal is to raise $4,000 for EZ Kabane High School: EZ Kabane is a high school of more than 500 fun, active, and ambitious students operating out of an abandoned school building in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. On top of educating the students, the understaffed administration and teachers must deal with a crumbling infrastructure and the fact that the entire school has only one toilet with dysfunctional flushing capabilities and just one source of drinking water—an outdoor spicket. If we can help the community repair all flushing toilets, construct additional water taps, build a water tank, replace toilet seats and provide doors to bathroom stalls, the principal and teachers of EZ Kabane can concentrate on what they do best…educating children!

Windsor Locks Middle School
We want to help the children in need. We want to create a VOICE that reaches across borders and countries!