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ALUUC Senior Youth Group
We are members of Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Senor Youth Group, working hard on supporting our 6th and 7th principles: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; and Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, by supporting H20's work with water equity and access.

Anonymous in Lincolnshire
Every day, one billion people make a three-hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational, and life-threatening conditions. There is an urgent need for clean water and sanitation in schools and communities around the world. Children, especially those under the age of five, are most susceptible to the ultimate horrors of water-borne diseases. Access to clean water and adequate sanitation substantially decreases the mortality rates among children.

Barrington Middle School - Prairi...
Students and staff members at Barrington Prairie have been participating in H2O for Life for several years now. We feel it is our responsibility to help people around the world that are in need. We have the gift of clean water, working bathrooms and great hygiene education at our school and wish that for all schools in the world. We are happy to be involved in this wonderful H2O for Life organization and help to change the world.

Belmont-Cragin Elementary
The children at Belmont-Cragin have been involved in various types of service learning project for 3 years now. Our school is located in Chicago and services families from various Hispanic backgrounds. We are a hardworking community that believes in not only taking care of ourselves, but the importance of reaching out and taking a civic responsibility to reaching out to those in need. Last year, we raised over $1500 in the largest Race Against Hunger in the midwest and this year we would like to do the same by providing fresh water to children that are less fortunate than ourselves. Will you please consider helping us reach our goal? Any amount is appreciated.

Cahokia High School
Every day, one billion people make a three hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational and, worst of all, life threatening conditions. We can help change that statistic for our partner school. We want our students to know that by working together, we can make a difference in the world! We hope that all students in our school will benefit from our partnership with H2O for Life. Students will be challenged to think about their own habits concerning water usage, and will develop awareness of the enormity of the issues surrounding water in our world. We hope our school will be committed to make this project for our partner school a reality.

Chicago West Side Christian School
Our 5th graders spent a quarter learning about and becoming Water Guardians. They now want to raise money to actively support a school that needs better access to water.

Columbus East Elementary School
The original Columbus School opened in 1911 with 13 classrooms. Since then, the structure of Columbus East has changed in many ways. Currently, Columbus East provides educational opportunities to neighborhood students in grades 4 through 6. The Colts are always stampeding toward success. Columbus East will support and motivate students in developing a love of learning that will help them to develop the tools needed to become resourceful individuals. We will strive to prepare our students to become critical thinkers through differentiated instruction while maintaining a well-balanced curriculum. As part of the community, Columbus East is a committed participant of ensuring that a positive environment for our students exists.

Daystar Academy
We are a preK-12th grade school in the South Loop of Chicago. Managing an after school fundraiser where students learn about water insecurity and participate in activities whilst acknowledging the struggles of students in Ghana aligns with my personal interests such as making a social impact, developing leadership and organizational skills, engaging with the Daystar community, and fostering our personal growth.

Drexel Elementary School
The mission of Drexel is to create a positive, collaborative and safe learning community where all students' needs are met to cultivate critical thinkers. Collaboration will occur among teachers, parents and students. A love for learning will be evident in the school environment.

Elgin Academy
We have studied poverty, and also water deficits in the world through Challenge 20/20. Our class chose H20 for Life as its service project because we were moved by the lack of clean water for so many people

Emerson Middle School
Here at Emerson Middle School we believe that children should not have to walk miles for clean water. We believe that every child should have access to clean, healthy water.