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Chelsea Middle School: 6th Grade ELA
Our students read A Long Walk for Water. We knew we wanted to help make a difference for those that walk for water!

Guntersville Middle School
Every day, one billion people make a three hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational and, worst of all, life threatening conditions. We can help change that statistic for our partner school. We have the opportunity to provide a transformational service-learning opportunity for our students through H2O for Life. Our students will study issues surrounding the global water crisis, learn about their partner school and country, and will plan and implement activities that raise funds to help bring water and sanitation to our partner school. We want our students to know that by working together, we can make a difference in the world! We hope that all students in our school will benefit from our partnership with H2O for Life. Students will be challenged to think about their own habits concerning water usage, and will develop awareness of the enormity of the issues surrounding water in our world. We hope our school will be committed to make this project for our partner school a reality.

The Altamont School
At our school, service is something that is very important. We want our students to have, not only a sense to help others, but also a greater understanding for the world. For our school, our focus this year is water; every faculty member is committed to help educate our students on water and its importance.