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Riverbank High School Interact Club
The Riverbank Rotary Club sponsors the High School Interact Club. We conducted an event by having people walk the track carrying a gallon of water and solicited funds for the number of laps walked.
River Oak Charter School
River Oak is a Waldorf Charter School. Our seventh grade class has been together since first grade. We want to participate because in Northern California we cannot imagine, especially with our yearly fires, what it would be like without water. We want to be the change, make a difference in our world and learn to be insightful global leaders.
Sandia Elementary School
Sandia School is a Character Counts School, learning to become great Kids for Character. We are reaching out and becoming Global Citizens. Cheribo Primary School serves 946 students and Sandia serves approximately 950 students. So we felt compelled to sponsor them, and bring latrines, hand washing stations, a rain catchment tank and hygiene education to their school. We hope to raise more than enough funds to give them everything they need. We are also hoping to become more aware of those in need around us, and across the globe.
Sunset Ranch Elementary
We chose this because we really want to help them have what we consider basic necessities. We don't want them to get sick from unclean water or miss school because of water issues. Also, we think that we can actually raise this much money by May and plan on going over our pledge and giving the extra to another school.
The Center for Early Education
Our service learning group The Changemakers, raised the funds through a student driven project where they taught lessons in classrooms about water access, presented at our assemblies, and did things at home in order to contribute!
They Poured Fire Books c/o Judy A...
Authors of books about South Sudan
Trabuco Hills High School
2 students in Trabuco Hills High have developed a sympathy for the young children in third world countries who are not able to receive the same luxury as the residents in Orange County. After hearing about this program, they decided to start a club in their school to help support the cause. Together, they recruited over 20 members who all recognize the seriousness of the current California drought and cannot fathom what it would be like in less developed countries. They have established a goal of adopting a school and help raise money for the school though local fundraisers.
Westridge School For Girls
Westridge School has a deep commitment to service. This is our 12th year learning about the global water crisis in our seventh-grade interdisciplinary water unit. 771 million people lack access to clean water. That's 1 in 10 people on the planet. Women and girls spend an estimated 200 million hours carrying water every day. The average woman in rural Africa walks 6 kilometers (about 3.7 miles) every day to haul 40 pounds of water. Our students are going to be raising awareness about this crisis, as well as raising funds to help build a clean water well at a school in Uganda and rehab an existing borehole, also at a school in Uganda. Every dollar counts. Thank you for taking an interest in our work!