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Austin College H.E.A.T. Establish...
As the HUMAN-Environmental-Animal-Team, we look to find as many ways as possible to help the world and all of its participants. When we first heard about H2O for life, it seemed like a daunting task to try and raise any money at all, let alone money for new bathrooms, water supply, wells etc. But once we read into fundraising ideas and how much this really does help, we had to get our hands into it. H2O for life in our opinions is H.E.A.T. so we HAVE to help out.

AVID Robert T Hill MS
6th, 7th and 8th Grade AVID students from Robert T Hill want to participate because we believe in your cause. We want to give back to help others in need. "It is sad to realize how we don't know much about all the problems around the world, mainly because we haven't experience it first hand. To change problems like water scarcity, I want to start by making a change myself. I will try to work as hard as possible to help this noble cause." Saray 8th Grade AVID RTH student

Bankbridge Regional High School
We are a public high school for students with special needs. We learned about the world's water crisis this year. We wanted to help students from another country gain access to clean water.

Bank Street School for Children
We are a private, progressive school in NYC serving children ages 3-14. In the 6th grade, our students study water contamination in Science class, Human Rights in Social Studies, and read "A Long Walk to Water" in English. As part of an integrated, cross-curricular unit of study, our students wish to raise awareness, in our community, about the water crisis and specifically to help communities who experience physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity - both within our national community and in continents across the global community.

Barrington Middle School - Prairi...
Students and staff members at Barrington Prairie have been participating in H2O for Life for several years now. We feel it is our responsibility to help people around the world that are in need. We have the gift of clean water, working bathrooms and great hygiene education at our school and wish that for all schools in the world. We are happy to be involved in this wonderful H2O for Life organization and help to change the world.

Batesville Jr. High School - GOMAD
Our group is a service organization called GOMAD (Go Out and Make a Difference). We raise money and do service project to help people in our community and around the world. In our seventh grade, all of the students read the book , A Long Walk to Water. We want to do something to help provide clean water for the people in South Sudan.

Baton Rouge International School
BRIS is teaming up with H2O for Life to raise community involvement to the needs of others. Many people do not have easy access to clean drinking water and BRIS wants to help! We are raising money for a school in Africa with our MYP Community & Service Projects and our DP CAS team projects.

Belmont-Cragin Elementary
The children at Belmont-Cragin have been involved in various types of service learning project for 3 years now. Our school is located in Chicago and services families from various Hispanic backgrounds. We are a hardworking community that believes in not only taking care of ourselves, but the importance of reaching out and taking a civic responsibility to reaching out to those in need. Last year, we raised over $1500 in the largest Race Against Hunger in the midwest and this year we would like to do the same by providing fresh water to children that are less fortunate than ourselves. Will you please consider helping us reach our goal? Any amount is appreciated.