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The Agnes Irwin School
We are a Pre-k to 12th grade school. We strive to be a school that educates our girls on sustainable practices and awareness on issues that impact the health and safety of our community and world. Understanding the importance of water as a resource is important. We take it for granted in the Philadelphia region but want our students to know that many parts of the world do not have the abundance we enjoy. Helping another school is important to us. And as a girls school we know that the work of hauling water falls largely on girls and women.
The Baldwin School
We have developed a year-long, school-wide curriculum about water access. H2O for Life will be bringing Katie Spotz to campus. We want to apply our understanding of global water access to solving this problem in a community in need.
The Haverford School
The service learning program at The Haverford School, in Haverford, PA (USA) is designed to put into action our belief that, through service to others, we can know ourselves better and make a difference in the world. We offer an extensive co-curricular volunteer program, where students have opportunities to use their talents and interests in offering valuable service to others. Volunteering in a global service project such as H2O For Life offers our faculty, staff, and students, as well as their families and the larger community, the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. Participating in the Walk for Water provides the second grade boys an opportunity to develop empathy for their global peers while carrying 2 gallons of water for 3 to 5 miles, to emulate what children in remote villages do on a daily basis to obtain clean potable drinking water. Haverford garde 2 boys work in tandem with our Upper School Service Learning Core to raise awareness about the plight for clean water as well as funds to build a well or latrines for primary school children like themselves. This is our fifteenth anniversary of entering into partnership with H2O for life to provide access to clean water to remote villages and schools in Africa. Our service learning project with H2O For Life provides an opportunity for our second grade students to leave a global footprint in service to others.
Walnut Creek Middle School
Walnut Creek 6th graders collaborated each quarter on a service learning project. After reading the book, A Long Walk for Water, as well as conducting water testing labs, students were shocked by the issues of water pollution and water scarcity on our planet and even in our own country. As a result, we chose to help a Navajo Nation in the United States. Students brainstormed ways to bring awareness and generate funds to help. Ultimately, this project was a perfect fit because it encouraged students to problem solve and think globally.