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Stacy Lamb
Every day, one billion people make a three-hour journey to gather water! There is a water crisis throughout the world that is creating economic, social, educational and, worst of all, life-threatening conditions. We can help change that statistic.

St. Luke School
We are a Catholic school dedicated to creating graduates whose attitudes, values, personal and spiritual attributes are instilled by a community of faith, hope, and love. We are making a positive impact on the world through our actions. We feel the need to advocate for social justice. Providing safe water for people less fortunate than ourselves is an ideal way we can share what is bountiful in our lives with those who have a need in theirs.

St. Therese Catholic Academy
St. Therese is a diverse, welcoming community that seeks to ignite the faith, minds, and dreams of its students to prepare them to excel spiritually, academically, and socially in high school, college, and beyond. Founded in 1927, we are in our 90th school year this year! We want to let our sisters and brothers around the globe know that they matter, that we care, and that we will strive to live more simply so they can live more abundantly.

Technology, Engineering & Communi...
Our group at Technology, Engineering & Communications High School would love to participate in H2O for Life cause because we are dedicated to raise awareness and help those in need. Katie Spotz visited our school and explained current situations families are faced with due to the lack of a reliable and clean water source. In response, we decided to accept the challenge and we want to put forth our time and effort to become a helping hand to the less fortunate. We are extremely efficacious and genuinely believe we can impact those who need clean water and an education. Our compassion and empathy draws us to this issue and we know that as a group we can create change. We believe in our cause and want to make the world a better place for all.

View Ridge Middle School
Our school would like to help because we are students who live in a safe, wonderful part of the world. We recognize that not all people around have the basic resources they need for survival. Our goal as a group is to raise awareness, educate ourselves and others, and try to positively impact the world. Water is a human right that everyone needs and deserves, however that is not the case. We want to change that, long term. We feel that helping others through this project will be a stepping stone for 30 future social leaders.

West Valley Junior High/Middle Sc...
The students at West Valley Middle School and West Valley Junior High (collectively known as West Valley Middle Level Campus) are committed to helping those in need. In reading the book "A Long Walk to Water" (a true story about the struggles in South Sudan) our teachers and students were moved to do something to help... so here we are!