Khuluvi Primary School

Malawi 1500 beneficiaries

Khuluvi Primary School is located in Zomba District, Malawi. It has 19 classrooms and 14 teachers for a large enrollment of 1,487 students. Students walk to school from as far as 5km distance. The school was established by the Church of Central African Presbyterian, Blantyre Synod in 1973. 

$5,800 needed (83%)

Madre Teresa de Calcuta

Nicaragua 103 beneficiaries

Project Proposal: Toilets and Handwashing Station.

$2,450 needed (58%)

NUMA Water System - 14 Schools

Ghana 3728 beneficiaries

Ghana is one of the most densely populated countries in West Africa. Since the adoption of a new constitution in 1993, Ghana has become more politically stable, but a history of coups, food shortages and corruption means the country remains poor and indebted. The three northern regions are particularly deprived, with one in ten children dying before their fifth birthday. 80% of all diseases in Ghana are caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation and more than nine million people don’t have access to safe drinking water. Our implementing partner, Water4, is planning the construction of 14 safe water points for schools in 6 communities in Ghana. In addition to the students enrolled, 5 to 8 teachers are living on or near each school campus and will also have access to the piped water resource. By providing safe water for teachers and staff, more teachers are willing to stay in these more rural areas rather than transferring to a more urban school district.

$4,200 needed (100%)

Rawelgue School

Burkina Faso 348 beneficiaries

There are currently 348 students at Rawelgue School which is located in Komsilga, Burkina Faso. These students are made to walk 1.5 miles to the nearest source of water, sometimes multiple times per day. The school does not have any toilets. The students and teachers are forced to use the 'bush'. Dropout rates are high, especially for the girls in the community.

Fully pledged!

Sami Tabema Primary School

Sierra Leone 260 beneficiaries

Sami Tabema, a community located about nine miles from Tikonko, is facing severe deprivation due to poverty, resulting in a lack of basic amenities. The population is about eight hundred inhabitants, with a town chief, town speaker, and other village elders. Farming is the primary source of income, although it is done on a small scale for personal consumption. The community suffers from extreme poverty, with no health care facility available. Pregnant women and children receive healthcare through the Rural Health Care Initiative (our implementing partner) outreach program.The lack of toilets and clean drinking water is a significant issue, as the community relies on nearby bushes for latrines and the Tabe River for drinking and domestic use. The community has two churches (Methodist and New Apostolic church) and a mosque.  Muslims and Christians live in harmony. Around eighty percent of the houses are locally constructed with local materials. However, there is no access to electricity, and the mobile network is unreliable. The road conditions are extremely poor, especially during the rainy season, making travel difficult.  While there is a motorable road to Sami, most people travel on foot due to the high cost of motorbikes, which many cannot afford. The community’s dire poverty has led to a high incidence of hunger and malnutrition, particularly among children. The prevalent diseases in the area include malaria, typhoid, diarrhea, and acute respiratory infection. The pupils at the BDEC (Bo District Education Committee) Primary School walk about 500 meters to get drinking water from the Tabe River, which is not pure for drinking.  Sami Tabema is 3 miles from the nearest basic health facility.  A monthly outreach clinic, supported by RHCI, takes place in Sami one day each month. The primary school at Sami Tabema, The BDEC Primary School, is a community school with approximately 260 pupils ranging from classes 1-6. The school consists of three classrooms built by the community, but they are not conducive to learning for the pupils.School days are from Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 2 PM.  The curriculum includes subjects such as Mathematics, English, Social Studies, Agriculture, RME (religious and moral education), Arabic, literature, etc. The academic year consists of three terms: the first term runs from September to December, the second from January to April, and the third from April to July. Unfortunately, the school does not provide any feeding programs. Moreover, the school lacks access to water and toilet facilities, and the pupils have to rely on the nearby river for drinking water and the nearby bushes as latrines. The school operates with three community volunteer teachers who are not on the government payroll and receive minimal stipends from the community, which are often unreliable.  Other villages that attend school at Sami Tabema are Foindu, Warlleh, and Sengema.

$3,450 needed (61%)

Aniamote Community School

Ghana 200 beneficiaries

Aniamote is a rural community located in the Wassa Amenfi district in the Western region of Ghana and has a population of approximately 2,700 people. The major economic activity in the community is subsistent farming, trading, and hunting. The people are very friendly and accommodating.  Aniamote Community School was established in September of 1945 by the Government of Ghana in partnership with the community. The school has not received any major development from the government since its establishment, so the community members always come together to support the school through communal labor with the support of other organizations. Being the only school in the area, the population currently stands at 200 students from kindergarten to grade 9. 

Fully pledged!

Apex Nursery and Primary School

Uganda 400 beneficiaries

Serving 373 students in Uganda’s Tula community as a private boarding and day primary and nursery school, Apex Nursery and Primary School currently relies on a metallic rainwater collection tank that has a low storage capacity and is breaking down - so much so that the Ugandan Water Project (UWP) team, our implementing partner, on the ground cited it as “beyond repairing.” The school must also bring water in from a tanker truck, meaning they pay roughly 500,000 Ush ($135 USD) monthly on water expenses alone. Apex Nursery and Primary School does use chlorine tablets to clean their water, but those are extra money and are difficult to dose. The UWP filter systems will eliminate that cost, and the water will be much safer. Overall, Apex Nursery and Primary School needs a rainwater collection system to provide safe drinking water, handwashing, and more.

$1,900 needed (100%)

Bukwaya Primary School


Bukwaya Primary School is located in the Iganga district of Uganda. Currently, the school has a pair of rainwater harvesting tanks that work great during and immediately after the rainy season but remain empty for the majority of the year. The most often-used source of water is a community well almost a mile away.

$3,500 needed (100%)

C.E.B Francisco Morazán

Honduras 98 beneficiaries

C.E.B Francisco Morazán is located in the rural community of La Pedrera in the municipality of Yarula, La Paz, Honduras. The school currently has five teachers who provide educational needs for kindergarten through 8th grade to 93 students. Students regularly have significant absences from school due to waterborne illnesses. Providing access to safe drinking water within the school system will lead to healthier students, fewer absences due to illness, and a better education.

$1,500 needed (100%)
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