Khuluvi Primary School

Malawi 1500 beneficiaries

Khuluvi Primary School is located in Zomba District, Malawi. It has 19 classrooms and 14 teachers for a large enrollment of 1,487 students. Students walk to school from as far as 5km distance. The school was established by the Church of Central African Presbyterian, Blantyre Synod in 1973. 

$5,800 needed (83%)

St. Paul's Primary School

Malawi 2665 beneficiaries

St. Paul's Primary School in Zomba District, Malawi, has an extremely large enrollment of 2,665 students and only 24 teachers with a sprawling campus of 15 classrooms. Students walk to school from as far as a 7km distance. In the overcrowded classrooms, students sit on the floor as there are no desks to accommodate them.

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