NUMA Water System - 14 Schools

Ghana 3728 beneficiaries

Ghana is one of the most densely populated countries in West Africa. Since the adoption of a new constitution in 1993, Ghana has become more politically stable, but a history of coups, food shortages and corruption means the country remains poor and indebted. The three northern regions are particularly deprived, with one in ten children dying before their fifth birthday. 80% of all diseases in Ghana are caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation and more than nine million people don’t have access to safe drinking water. Our implementing partner, Water4, is planning the construction of 14 safe water points for schools in 6 communities in Ghana. In addition to the students enrolled, 5 to 8 teachers are living on or near each school campus and will also have access to the piped water resource. By providing safe water for teachers and staff, more teachers are willing to stay in these more rural areas rather than transferring to a more urban school district.

$4,200 needed (100%)

Aniamote Community School

Ghana 200 beneficiaries

Aniamote is a rural community located in the Wassa Amenfi district in the Western region of Ghana and has a population of approximately 2,700 people. The major economic activity in the community is subsistent farming, trading, and hunting. The people are very friendly and accommodating.  Aniamote Community School was established in September of 1945 by the Government of Ghana in partnership with the community. The school has not received any major development from the government since its establishment, so the community members always come together to support the school through communal labor with the support of other organizations. Being the only school in the area, the population currently stands at 200 students from kindergarten to grade 9. 

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