Lukala Secondary School

Kenya 386 beneficiaries

Lukala Secondary School was established in the year 2005. It began in the primary school section under the leadership of Mr Simon Wasimbi, who was then the primary school's headmaster. It started with 15 students being housed in temporary structures as classrooms. The school office was shared by both the primary and the secondary sections. The school was registered officially by the Ministry of Education in 2008 and had a new principal -  Mr. Ronald Makhanu. Contributions from the community members led to the construction of four classrooms. The Ministry of Education then came in with two more classrooms. The school received a grant that enabled them to construct a laboratory. Constituency Development Funds aided in the construction of two more classrooms.  The students perform averagely in this school.

$6,000 needed (100%)

St. Augustine Indulusia Primary School

Kenya 576 beneficiaries

St. Augustine Indulusia Primary School was started in the Year 2007 by well-wishers. It started with a population of 50 students and 1 untrained teacher who taught all the subjects. The school currently has a population of 559 Students, 15 staff, and 2 Support staff. It has a rising population yearly because of its good performing streak.

$6,000 needed (100%)

Water for Nasaruni Girls – 2024

Kenya 200+ beneficiaries

For over 10 years, Nasaruni has been nurturing girls from the surrounding and far-reaching rural villages. They have grown to graduate from primary school, and now we built a high school so that they can keep to school. Parents have come to truly embrace the education at Nasaruni because it supports their cultural values and traditions in so many tangible and real ways. Nasaruni girls celebrate Maasai culture through dance, language, beadwork, food, and folktales. Most importantly, the parents in the community chose the values of the school themselves so that they trust Nasaruni to raise their daughters. Nasaruni Academy is helping girls and their families to write a new future full of hope, health, empowerment and success. Started by a local Maasai woman and her husband, the Academy and Secondary School are providing a chance for education to over 200 girls currently.Nasaruni Academy is situated 9km west of Narok, in the southwestern region of Kenya. According to Moses Sayo, School Director, the Nasaruni community is predominantly Maasai, who are pastoralists with some sporadic practice of small-scale farming. The area surrounding the school consists of approximately 7000 families. Some of the main challenges faced include the illiteracy rates and poverty. If you come to Narok and turn down a dusty, pot-holed road outside of town, you will travel 1 kilometer past ramshackle sheds and smiling shop clerks…  to find a magical place where dreams come true, laughter and serious study unite. Here, girls are nourished, educated, and thoroughly transformed as they grow into young women of purpose and confidence in the Maasai community. Welcome to Nasaruni Academy for Maasai Girls in Narok, Kenya!

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  • 3 United States