Water Blogged

Agama Well Rehab Complete

Posted by Steve Hall on June 17

In 2015, Drop in the Bucket, with funding from H2O for Life schools, drilled a new borehole well at Agama Primary School in Uganda. This school is very well-run and has an active water committee that has done a great job of managing the well. Although the well has been working adequately, the government of Uganda has passed a law requiring all new wells to be fitted with stainless steel pipes. These pipes never rust and last a lot longer than galvanized iron pipes. Our implementing partner, Drop in the Bucket, has been outfitting all of their new wells with […]

Walnut Creek Walks for Water

Posted by Steve Hall on June 17

Walnut Creek 6th graders collaborate each quarter on a service learning project. After reading the book, A Long Walk to Water, and conducting water testing labs, students were shocked by the issues of water pollution and scarcity on our planet and even in our own country. As a result, we chose to help a Navajo Nation in the United States. Students brainstormed ways to bring awareness and generate funds to help. Ultimately, this project was a perfect fit because it encouraged students to problem-solve and think globally. As you know our sixth graders embarked on a service learning project focused […]

Nakifuma High Water Catchment

Posted by Steve Hall on June 10

Thank you for bringing safe water to Nakifuma High School in Uganda’s Mukono District! Our implementing partner, Ugandan Water Project, erected a 10,000-liter polyethylene tank on a base made of brick, hardcore, and cement. Once cured, the crew placed the tank on the base, made an overflow hole in the top of the structure and attached a pipe to it that extends six inches beyond the perimeter of the base. Crew members also attached face boards to the roof of the building adjacent to the tank in order to create a suitable surface to which they could attach the gutters […]

Nabalanga Project Complete

Posted by Steve Hall on June 10

Thank you for bringing safe water to Nabalanga Islamic School in Uganda’s Mukono District! Our implementing partner, Ugandan Water Project, erected a 10,000-liter polyethylene tank on a base made of brick, hardcore, and cement. Once cured, the crew placed the tank on the base, made an overflow hole in the top of the structure and attached a pipe to it that extends six inches beyond the perimeter of the base. Crew members also attached face boards to the roof of the building adjacent to the tank in order to create a suitable surface to which they could attach the gutters […]

Congrats to The 2024 Cohort of H2O for Life High School Fellows!

Posted by Mitchell LeGrand on May 31

Last weekend marked the end of the 2024 H2O for Life High School Fellowship program. Since January, our high school fellows have met a couple of times a month, over Zoom, on Saturday mornings to learn more about the Global Water Crisis and how to take action in their own communities. 25 fellows joined the cohort from California, Costa Rica, Florida, Illinois, India, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Each came with their own unique perspectives on issues related to water and their own ideas on how to get their communities involved. We left […]

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