Water Blogged

Navajo Nation Water Delivery Impact Update

Posted by Steve Hall on October 10

We are so grateful for DigDeep’s incredible support and continued partnership. We are pleased to share this update from our implementing partner, DigDeep, about the impact of their water delivery program, which received funding from H2O for Life during the 2023-24 school year! DIGDEEP’S NAVAJO WATER PROJECT Across the Navajo Nation, 30% of households do not have running water or basic plumbing, making it a priority area for DigDeep to bring clean, running water access to individuals and families who are currently living without it. We are solving this issue through a host of off-grid and centralized solutions that address […]

Ripon High: Environmental Advocacy Club

Posted by Steve Hall on October 8

The Environmental Advocacy Club at Ripon High in California focuses on learning sustainable practices and patterns for daily life implementation. We are eager and prepared to deepen our understanding of global and local issues we can address collectively. Our enthusiasm extends to fundraising efforts to positively impact areas in need of water and sanitation. We planned 2 fundraising events to help support Green Land Junior School in Uganda. The first was a Coin Drive at school. We set up four coin jars in each English classroom, labeling them for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, making it a class competition to […]

National Honor Society Comets Paint & Learn

Posted by Steve Hall on September 24

The National Honor Society Comets Chapter is a small college preparatory school in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Through the community service program of their NHS Comets Chapter, students strive to significantly impact their school community and increase global awareness. The students aimed to raise awareness within their school community. As a result, the community service extended well beyond NJHS and NHS members; it saw robust participation from high school students who were not members and who are keen to participate again. As they learned about H2O For Life’s mission, participants became intent on raising further awareness and initiating more service […]

Elementary Students Quadruple Startup Funds

Posted by Steve Hall on September 17

At Lydia Middleton Elementary School in Indiana, students engaged in a novel study of ‘A Long Walk to Water.’ They researched South Sudan and its people’s needs. Subsequently, they shared their findings with every classroom in the school. Lydia Middleton successfully applied for a $500 mini-grant to initiate their project. To generate additional funds, they held a candy gram sale. The students took charge of sales, money collection and accounting, card writing, assembly, and distribution of the candy grams. Ultimately, Lydia Middleton nearly quadrupled the grant money, raising $1,979.00 to contribute towards a borehole well in South Sudan. Here are […]

Nicaraguan Well Drilled

Posted by Steve Hall on September 10

The new machine drilled well at El Tempisque has been completed! Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. In a country where 37% of rural people have no safe drinking water (UNICEF) and 47% of the forest cover has disappeared over the last 50 years (UN Food and Agriculture Organization), these water, sanitation, and reforestation programs are a critical way to improve the living standards of the rural poor while conserving environmental resources. El Porvenir works in remote rural villages that lack access to most basic services and are too small to receive assistance from other organizations. […]

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