Water Blogged

Ishikawa Dragons Supporting South Sudan

Posted by Steve Hall on April 12, 2023

The sixth-grade students at Ishikawa Elementary School in AZ have joined H2O for Life for the 2nd year in a row to support a clean water project for their peers in South Sudan. As a service project, they are raising money to help fund a borehole well.

The sixth graders are all reading “A Long Walk to Water” to help learn about and understand the global water crisis and what too many humans around the globe have to go through on a daily basis to obtain water. They will be completing a 5k Walk for Water, each student carrying at least one gallon of water. Their goal is to have every student donate at least $1.00. The students created a display in their Multipurpose Room where they hope to get enough donations to fill the well with paper water droplets, selling for $1.00 each!

You can help support their efforts here, DONATE

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