Water Blogged

Lions Care!

Posted by Steve Hall on December 13, 2017

This year Lincoln students, teachers, and families will show the world that: Lions Care! Lincoln’s All-School Project, Lions Care, will include several opportunities for Lincoln students to learn about and help those who are in need in the United States and in the country of Haiti.

Starting in October, our All-School Project, will turn its focus to the country of Haiti. We will learn about the need for clean water, sanitation, medical care and education for many of its citizens. Opportunities to support the building of a well, provide medical supplies for doctors who will visit Haiti and other humanitarian projects will take place throughout the year.

– Submitted by Lincoln Elementary
Iowa City, IA

Fifth Grade students shared a “Fact a Day” about the water crisis with homerooms each morning. They challenged students to bring in coins and bills to help raise money for a well in Haiti! We raised over $750 in two weeks!

Lincoln students make greeting cards to raise money for Haiti!

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