Water Blogged

Working? On vacation?

Posted by Patty Hall on August 9, 2013
Our H2O team spent several hours “working” at a local Santiago, Guatemala school. We found that we were not very efficient digging in the dirt to help start the process for a school garden. We did make a dent in the plan. Sore muscles and blisters were a direct result! The garden when planted will provide additional vegetables for school lunches. The garden is also used as a teaching station for the children.
On our way to Antigua, we visited an archaeological ruin site. Jim Derham, former US Ambassador to Guatemala, shared a story about President Bush’s visit to the site. The area was filled with flowers, dancers, and the road was lined with miles of Indigenous people in traditional clothing. He said it was quite the sight.
We passed beautiful towns and scenery on our way to Antigua. While in Antigua we learned more about Mayan history and culture. Antigua is a wonderful city that we all enjoyed.
There is work to be done for more schools in Guatemala. Please choose a school project from our website today. Your help WILL change lives!

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