Mirella C
Ever feel like there's nothing you can change in the world? You're just one person right? WRONG!! Especially in this time of Covid-19, your donations, your actions, can make the biggest difference! With your help, we can change people's lives! Did you know that school's in developing countries can't open without a water sanitation system? They need clean water now more than ever during this pandemic! Women have to walk hours and hours just to collect water that contain serious illnesses, and more than half the hospitable beds in the world are filled with water-born diseases...Every 21 seconds a child dies due to illnesses like these! If you still feel like- "what difference does it make?"-listen to this: There's a story about a boy and a beach, and everyday hundreds of sea stars washed ashore and suffocated, yet, no one did anything about it. Only this boy picked up a sea star and put it back to the ocean. One man said: "kid, you're not changing the world, there are still hundreds and hundreds of sea stars on the beach, just give up, they'll die anyway." This boy responded: "yes, but I'm changing the world of that sea star." Please, use that money you usually use on a coffee or treat and help these people nation-wide. One donation, that's all we ask. :)
Projects Supported
- Mitalamaria Islamic Primary - Boys Latrines
- Nasaruni Academy: Teacher Facilities
- Navajo Nation: 10 Water Storage Tanks (#3)
- Navajo Nation: 5 Water Storage Tanks (#1)
- Pajule Public Primary School
- Obolokome Primary School
- Navajo Nation: 5 Water Storage Tanks (#3)
- Ematiha Secondary School
- Paltino Primary School
Amount | From | Date |
$25.00 | Anonymous | 10/20/20 |
$25.00 | Anonymous | 10/18/20 |
$25.00 | Luca Comai | 10/16/20 |
$25.00 | Anonymous | 10/16/20 |
$50.00 | Sita Reddy | 10/16/20 |

Mirella C
I raised $150.00