Malama Latrines Complete

August 3, 2022
Malama Primary School, located in a rural area outside of Lilongwe, Malawi, has a total enrollment of 1,023 students (453 boys, 570 girls) with only 15 teachers.

A functioning water point was recently installed, however, the sanitation component was severely lacking. There were several poorly-constructed, temporary structures with non-functioning and unsanitary pit latrines. The pits are not lined and were constructed using mud as mortar so they are not sound structures. The students had no handwashing stations or soap which contributes to high instances of water-related diseases. Many of the students used the restroom in the bush. It is because of the above factors that our implementing partner, Freshwater Project International (FPI), proposed to construct 2 two upgraded VIP pit latrines at this school with the help of H2O for Life.

All of the stakeholders are very happy with the work that FPI has done in constructing these new VIP latrines for the school. The head teacher was very excited about the work and was very thankful for the development. Learners were very overwhelmed with joy and were happy with the latrines which have been constructed as an enhancement to the water already provided to the school. The construction of these VIP latrines has helped in easing the burden the school had in terms of access to hygiene facilities. Students will also receive hygiene and handwashing training.

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