Project complete!

June 13, 2022
Makwema School is located in Lukani village within the Kilolo district. It is 65 KM's away from Iringa town. The school has a total of 340 students from form one to form four and has 25 staff/teachers. Makwema is a boarding school, students, staff and their families are living around the school compound.

The borehole well recently installed at neighboring Lukani School is the source of safe water.  A submersible pump was installed, underground pipes laid and water tanks placed at the top of the village. This allows water to be distributed to 10 strategic points around the village for all to have access to. 

The goal of our implementing partner, St. Paul Partners, was to provide clean and safe water to Makwema School to improve the lives of students, teachers and families. Not having to waste time fetching polluted water will allow the students more time for their studies leading to an improved education.

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