Tavin Gaul

Tavin's school is raising money to help a school in Uganda improve water sanitation and lavatories. On May 3-5, his school will experience what it is like to walk a long way carrying water. Students will walk carrying a gallon of water with a class buddy to White Bear Lake, dump the water in the lake and bus back to his school.

Water conservation tips directly from Tavin:
• "Not taking long showers"
• "Turn off the water while you brush your teeth"
• "Not flushing the toilet when you don't go to the bathroom"
• "Turn the water off when you go to a different room"

Please donate to his fundraiser either via this page, coins or dollar bills can be dropped into his collection water bottle he has or both! Anything you can give is a huge help!

Global Water Crisis
• Every 20 seconds a child dies from lack of access to clean water
• Women and children in many communities spend up to 60% of each day walking to collect water
• 4,500 children die each day due to unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation
• Without access to a latrine, many girls sop going to school around the age of 13


Amount From Date
$25.00 Deanna Dannhoff 5/3/22
$70.00 Megan Gaul 4/28/22
$50.00 melanie sillanpa 4/24/22
$30.00 Sandra Wendt 4/23/22
$50.00 Anonymous 4/22/22
$100.00 Daniel Gaul 4/22/22
$25.00 Heather McGruder 4/22/22
$25.00 Anonymous 4/21/22

Tavin Gaul

I raised $375.00