Safe water for Bajjabegonza students
August 27, 2019

Thank you for bringing safe water! Bajjabegonza Mixed Day and Boarding Primary School is located in Masaka district in the Central region of Uganda.
The students had to travel 1.5 km to the nearest shallow well with a pump to meet the school's water needs. In addition to the students, approximately 1500 people use the same water source for their daily water needs as well as sharing with neighboring schools.
Fetching water robs students of valuable class time. It also poses serious risks to the students as the children have to slope down the hill surrounded by dense vegetation when fetching water and again climb the hill with jerrycans on their head and they also have to cross the road.
AFTER - Check out your impact!
- You brought clean water to 300 people
- You eliminated 1.81 miles of walking per day
- You reduced collection time by 80.00 hours per day
- You replaced a Protected dug well with a Rainwater Catchment System
Thanks to the following US schools for supporting this project:
- Lebanon High School, OR
- Hoboken Charter School, NJ
Calculations are based the on number of 20 liter jerrycans used each day at this facility: 40 jerrycans
One jerrycan per trip to original water source
Distance is calculated for a round trip, using GPS, as the crow flies