
Kyeshero Secondary & Vocational School

Uganda 127 beneficiaries Kyeshero Village, just...

Project Complete!

The school was established approximately 4 years ago to provide the first opportunity for children in this area to continue their education beyond Primary. Uniquely, it teaches vocational skills (eg carpentry and sewing) alongside academic subjects. There is a commitment to maintaining affordable fees which are less than a third of the fees of town schools which the families in this area cannot afford. There is also the advantage that children do not need to board at this school - it is close to their homes. Kyeshero lies in a rural area with very simple villages (no electricity, small local stores) between Bwindi Forest to the south, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to the west and the small town of Butagota to the north. There are few sources of income other than agriculture (banana plantations, vegetables) and craft production. This area is largely overlooked by tourism as visitors are focused on the nearby gorilla tracking centres. There is a very high level of community involvement particularly from the church but also local residents and visiting Ugandans. As well as getting involved with practical work such as construction, most materials have been provided by local people.
There is no water supply within easy walking distance. Sources are mainly springs and streams. The school provides food at lunchtime so there is a need for water for the kitchen as well as drinking water for the students.
A piped spring-fed gravity water system has recently been installed in this area and it is possible to connect to this system. This involves laying pipes over several hundred meters and the various plumbing connections required at both ends. A tap will be installed in the school grounds along with a reservoir tank. Both skilled and unskilled labor are needed. The school community is committed to the project and agreed to provide unskilled labor, some materials and accommodation for the engineers/skilled labor. Once installed there will be sufficient water all year for drinking, cooking and hand washing at this school and the local community could also be allowed access to the water when flows are sufficient.

Project Sponsors

April 12, 2018

All about Kyeshero

Our school was established in 2014 following the public demand for a secondary school, mainly considering the plight of the girl child who used to walk too long distances (20km...

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September 18, 2017

Kyeshero Secondary/Vocational School Progress

The original plan had been to connect the school to a gravity fed spring/stream source, but after testing, the source was found to be infected with typhoid. In fact the...

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