
Igunda Primary School

Tanzania 607 beneficiaries Nyanzwa, Kilolo Distri...

Project Complete!

Igunda Primary School is located in Igunda village, which is in Nyanzwa, Kilolo district about 135 km from Iringa. The school has 9 teachers and 607 students from nursery through standard seven. There are 6 toilet holes for the students and 2 toilets holes for the teachers.
The school currently has no access to safe and clean water. They are using polluted water which has been making the students, teachers and staff sick with water-borne diseases. Currently, the main water source for the school is the Ruaha River which is a 6 kilometer round trip walk from the school. 
Water from the river is unsafe because the cattle and other animals also use this water. The river is also used for domestic activities like bathing, washing clothes and cultivating crops. There are crocodiles around this river and there have been many cases of people being attacked. 
 It is dangerous for students, teachers and staff members to use and consume this unsafe water. It is contributing to many diseases throughout the year, the students suffer from mainly stomach and intestinal illnesses as well as diarrhea.
The school has recently started occasionally using water from the community taps for drinking and they have to use school hours to go to those water taps to fetch water for drinking and cooking porridge. It is difficult for the students to fetch water at these taps because they are heavily used by everyone in the village and are often dried up. All this time spent fetching water causes the students to miss valuable lessons and class time resulting in poor performance and dropouts.
Project Proposal: New Well. Having a shallow well near the school would provide a clean and safe water source for the students, teachers, and staff to use. A shallow well with a hand pump will provide clean water that will help reduce the number of students, teachers, and staff that become sick with stomach illnesses, diarrhea and cholera. Students would also benefit from having a well at their school because they would have time for their studies and their performance will improve. They will not need to walk to the river to fetch water which will decrease the number of student injuries and deaths caused by crocodile attacks. 

Project Sponsors

Hiawatha Leadership Academy

Minneapolis, MN

Ira Jones Middle School

Plainfield, IL

Lauren Hayes

Bowling Green, KY
June 19, 2019

Igunda well complete

The village of Beku-Igunda is located in Kilolo lower district along Iringa region- it is a sub-village of Nyanzwa village. Based on the need assessment which was conducted by our...

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