
Kabuli Primary School

Uganda 447 beneficiaries Iganga
Kabuli Primary School is located in a village named Bukwaya, which is in the Iganga district of Uganda. The school has 210 boys and 237 girls but we anticipate those numbers going up once they have a source of clean water.
The current closest water source is a well used by the local community, which is located about half a mile from the school. Once the children arrive at the well, they have to wait their turn in long lines before they are able to get water, causing them to miss valuable class time every day. The proposed new well will be used by the school and also by the neighboring communities, providing clean water to a lot of additional people.
Project Proposal: New Borehole Well
Our implementing partner, Drop in the Bucket, will drill a well that will provide safe water on the school grounds. 

Project Sponsors

February 16, 2024

Borehole well drilled!

Kabuli Primary School is located in a village named Bukwaya, which is in the Iganga district of Uganda. The school has 210 boys and 237 girls, but we anticipate those...

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