
Luhindo Primary School

Tanzania 656 beneficiaries

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Luhindo Primary School is a government school found within Lulanza in Kilolo. The school has a total number of 642 students from standard one to seven. Among them, 315 students are girls, and 327 are boys. The school has 14 teachers/staff members. As with many villages and schools in the area, the lack of safe water for Luhindo is a major problem. 
Students at Luhindo are tasked with fetching water from various sources around the village multiple times per day, including an old hand-dug well. Teachers often escort the children, missing time in the classroom as well. The water sources around the village are often shared with livestock and are usually very polluted. Students typically end up spending more time fetching water and recovering from waterborne illnesses than they do studying. The school desperately needs access to safe water in order to meet their needs for drinking, washing hands, cooking and cleaning.
The overall objective of this project is to provide access to clean water for the students at Luhindo School. Our implementing partner, St. Paul Partners, will install a shallow borehole well with a hand pump located directly on the school compound. This will ensure students have access to enough safe water, which will lead to more time in the classroom studying. Access to safe water will also have a significant impact on the health of the students, teachers, and neighbors around the village.  

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