
Muggaga Secondary School

Uganda 450 beneficiaries Mpigi

Project Complete!

Muggaga Secondary School is located in Mpigi, Uganda, along the shores of Lake Victoria. There are 447+ teens plus teachers and staff in need of safe toilets, bathing areas and handwashing.
In Uganda, secondary schools are much less common than primary schools because not everyone goes to high school. Many students have to 'board' at secondary schools (live at) which is the case at Muggaga. This means facilities are needed to shower and change clothes every day. Currently, teen boys and girls are forced to share bathing areas and toilets which leads to dangerous situations and no privacy. The existing facilities are also crumbling and unsafe. 
Our implementing partner, Drink Local Drink Tap, will construct two new, safe, secure, VIP (ventilated improved pit) latrine blocks for boys and girls while also keeping in mind disabled users. They will also construct two 'blocks' full of private rooms for bathing for boys and girls. All facilities will have permanent handwashing facilities and water, hygiene and sanitation training will be led in all classrooms. Note, a 'block' contains 5 rooms/toilets, the girls will have a 'washroom' and the boys will have a urinal.

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