
Bulunda Primary School

Uganda 738 beneficiaries Mpigi

Project Complete!

Bulunda Primary School is located in Mpigi, Uganda, along the shores of Lake Victoria. There are 721 students and 17 teachers and staff totaling 738 people in need of safe toilets and handwashing.
Students and teachers suffer daily trying to find a safe space to 'go'. This has caused absence and health issues both from youth and teachers which affect education, poverty and female health needs. There are no handwashing facilities and because they have been so desperate for space, they created a barrier with leaves and poles behind a latrine for children to urinate. This is not clean or safe, especially as many children lack shoes and disease can and does spread easily.
Our implementing partner, Drink Local Drink Tap, will construct two new, safe, secure, VIP (ventilated improved pit) latrine blocks for boys and girls while also keeping in mind disabled users. A third block will be constructed for teachers, adults and visitors. All facilities will have permanent handwashing facilities and water, hygiene and sanitation training will be led in all classrooms. Note, a 'block' contains 5 rooms/toilets, the girls will have a 'washroom' and the boys will have a urinal.

Bulunda Primary already has a borehole well that provides sufficient safe water.

Project Sponsors

October 22, 2024

Bulunda project complete

Bulunda Primary School is located in Mpigi, Uganda, along the shores of Lake Victoria.

Students and teachers struggled daily to find a safe space to 'go'. This caused absence and...

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