
Ongai Primary School

Uganda 577 beneficiaries Okura Village, Nwoya

Project Complete!

Ongai Primary School, located in Okura Village, Nwoya District, Uganda, currently has 577 students (265 girls & 312 boys). The school has had a severe lack of safe water for many years. The nearest working well is over a mile away and many children miss school because they are thirsty. The head teacher realized there was a problem, so he worked with the local community to raise money and get a nearby well rehabbed/repaired. 
However, to get to the well the children have to walk across a busy road and because there was not much around, many of the vehicles drive very fast. Students often have to run out of the way of speeding cars and recently a girl was hit by a vehicle and killed. The head teacher was so upset that he went to the district water office and asked for help. They contacted our implementing partner and asked if they could drill a well on the school grounds.
Project Proposal: New Borehole Well
Our implementing partner, Drop in the Bucket, will drill a well that will provide safe water on the school grounds. 

Project Sponsors

Centennial Middle School

Lino Lakes, MN

River Grove a Marine Area School

Marine on St. Croix, MN
September 26, 2023

Project complete!

Ongai Primary School, located in Okura Village, Nwoya District, Uganda, currently has 577 students (265 girls & 312 boys). The school has had a severe lack of safe water for...

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