Wednesday blogs!

April 27, 2023
I thought that the candy store was so fun! I loved helping the kids decide what to choose.  It was a little overwhelming when the kids came in and had so many coins and they were just like “How much money is this?” But it was still really great. And when you know your helping kids who don’t have water to use, it makes it ten times better. This was so great! Claire

I loved the candy store and when I worked it was a bit stressful when kids were asking “ is this enough money” and buy like 16 suckers for 1 or 2 dollars it was  also a bit stressful when I kept dropping some coins and when money flew away because it was so windy but overall I had a great time. Hey Hey can I tell you a secret? We’re donating all of the money to H2O and you can also help by donating- Leni

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