St. Barnabas School WELLness Project

June 25, 2021
St. Barnabas students have been holding yearly fundraisers to bring clean water to those in need since 2005. This year the students held a candy sale and raised over $1,100.00 to support their peers in South Sudan and Nicaragua. Here are several student quotes demonstrating the power of service-learning in the classroom:

"This project kind of widened my view of the crisis and the importance of trying to make a difference. It also stressed the direness of the situation in communities without clean water." - Nick, Grade 8

"This project made me realize how lucky I am to have clean water. Seeing entire communities without potable water made me want to work for better conditions for all." - Ken,  Grade 8, who has patented a portable water purifier after participating in Invention Convention in grade 4! 

"Participating in this project affected my views on the Global Water Crisis by opening my eyes to the great worldwide need for clean water and sanitation. This project spread awareness as well as functioning to help the cause." - Erin, Grade 8 

"Serving others, whether it be those in my community or people around the world, inspires me to continue making a difference. Spreading kindness, no matter how small an act, never goes unappreciated and always positively impacts someone's life." - Erin, Grade 8

"Our WELLness Project impacted my view on the Global Water Crisis because I feel more involved in the world's problems. I also feel like I helped a lot of people doing this project." - Tommy, Grade 8

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